Many of us can't start our daily routine without our morning cup of strong coffee, while for others, a quick espresso fix gives them the boost they need to continue working when they feel tired. But does it make sense to add collagen to one of the world’s favourite drinks? Is it safe? And what happens to the powder when you add it?

How has coffee become one of the world’s most popular drinks?

While consumption of tea and beer is greater, coffee is fast becoming one of the world’s most popular beverages. It is already the number one drink in many countries - as the millions of coffee shops sprouting up everywhere testify to. In the United States alone, a mind-blowing 450 million cups of coffee are drunk every day. Finland holds the crown for the most cups of coffee consumed per capita, with the average Finn drinking 4 cups every 24 hours.

Many of you reading this might assume that coffee originated in the Americas or Africa, but the first coffee grew wild on the Arabian peninsula in Yemen in the 14th century. The first coffee exported around the world came from Ethiopia. Coffee became available in Europe in the 16th century, with the first coffee houses in England in the 1650s and Vienna in 1683. Today, Brazil is still the world’s biggest producer but dozens of nations from Uganda to Guatemala now export around the globe. In the past 20 years, the popularity of coffee has seemed to increase almost exponentially at times.

What are the health benefits of coffee?

There is an ongoing debate about whether coffee is good or bad for us. The consensus in the 2020s is that one, two or even three cups per day can boost our health. Coffee contains free radicals, enables higher cognitive function and stimulates blood flow. It also gives a much-needed mood boost to many who consume it.

What is collagen?

How can you keep your skin looking young and your hair shiny and vibrant? Part of the solution is to retain optimum levels of collagen, one of the body’s most essential building blocks.

If you are fit and healthy and aged under 20, then you don’t need to concern yourself too much just yet. However, once we reach 25, collagen levels in the body begin to decline. Anybody over 25 might suddenly notice a lack of firmness in their skin. And with collagen levels depleting, our joints also suffer. Fortunately, it is now possible to take collagen supplements to help fight the ageing process.

Using collagen to boost our health

A 90-day course of marine collagen taken once per day in soluble form can work wonders for our health. You can add this to water. However, it is increasingly popular for many people to add collagen to their morning coffee.

Does it make sense to add collagen to a hot drink?

One of the world’s favourite drinks drank together with the world’s most popular supplement sounds like a match made in heaven. But does it make sense to add collagen to coffee?

Some collagen brands on the market have a very fishy taste, making them unpleasant to imbibe every day for more than a few days. Likewise, these brands are not ideal for coffee as they will potentially destroy the taste of your cup of Colombian or Ethiopian. However, the high-quality collagen peptide brands on the market, such as Col Du Marine, do not contain additives and bulk and so offer a neutral taste that makes them easier to consume regularly. This neutral-tasting powder can, therefore, be added easily to drinks such as coffee without being detrimental to the taste.

So, it makes sense to add collagen to coffee. But is it wise to do this without potentially destroying the health properties of the collagen itself?

Can you add collagen to coffee without destroying the product?

There are benefits to heating some drinks. The most obvious one is boiling water that wouldn’t otherwise be safe to drink until we kill all bacteria. However, likewise, overheating some drinks to high temperatures destroys them. Wine, for example, kept in high temperatures is spoiled.

In the case of collagen peptides, exposing them to temperatures greater than 150 degrees Celsius will lead to degradation in the collagen protein molecules. The good news is that we do not brew coffee at such high temperatures meaning no degradation of the collagen peptides occurs.

Why doesn’t collagen break up because of the high temperatures?

Hydrolysed collagen is soluble when added to water. It will dissolve without any issues, and the coffee will absorb it. Moreover, as coffee speeds up metabolism, the coffee, in theory, will be absorbed more quickly, making the coffee-collagen duo an ideal partnership.

Why is it safe to add collagen to coffee?

It is completely safe and even beneficial to add collagen to your coffee. Coffee increases metabolism. By combining collagen with coffee, collagen works its magic even faster.

What is the best collagen brand consumed with coffee?

The best collagen brand for your morning coffee is Col Du Marine. Col Du Marine is a pure-form Marine Collagen Peptides powder. It is micro-granulated, has a completely neutral taste and boasts a low molecular weight, meaning the body can effortlessly ingest it. Because it is 100% soluble and doesn’t suffer degradation by temperatures of less than 150 degrees Celsius, it can be added and enjoyed with your morning coffee.

Can you add collagen to other drinks?

Yes, while many add collagen to a glass of water, you can enjoy it with fresh juices and smoothies. However, for many consumers of this health wonder product, nothing beats adding collagen to their daily morning cup of delicious coffee!

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